Thursday, August 16, 2012

Gastroparersis Attack!

On Friday last week I woke up vomiting, naused and in pain. I went to the local hospital but they sent me home and then I went to Banner Desert Hospital and they sent me home but told me to come back tomorrow if I still had the same symptoms. It really scared me because it reminded me how sick I was for so long I was worried I would be as sick as I was before. I slept sounded Friday evening because Banner had pumped me full of iv meds that night. I woke up Saturday morning with the same thing. I tried to manage it at home for a few hours but managed to get back to the hospital by 11 am and the doctor admitted me to the hospital. I spent the next three days at Banner Desert. I must say the care there is so up and down. I either had really good nurses or really bad nurses. I managed to get a some what decent Hospitalized doctor. He asked if I should consult my GI doc Dr. Faybush but I said I didn't want to bother her. She later called me on Tuesday to check on me. I'm so blessed to have such a great GI doc. She's special and takes good care of me. I'm happy to be home and works been super busy this week but I've managed to stay on top of things. I'm not sure what brought on this attack but it was bazzare that I got sick all of the sudden. It just reminds me that I need to focus on those things that are important in my life.

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